Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm a Mac, not a PC

Isn't it funny how just after buying something you would not normally purchase, can make you feel a whole lot different? I recently bought myself a MacBook Pro and I felt like I was the once again, apart of the on-going hype over Apple products like many other people. But alas, my true purpose of buying one was for uni and its convenience. My old PC was slow and was prone to virus and spyware attacks, but I did love it. Still in good condition but I always like things the speedy way. So I opt for a minimum of at least 2GB of RAM and more than 250GB of HDD. 

Now after buying the mac, it looks awkward in my room, on my desk. Simply because my room is a clutter and quite plain looking, so having a MacBook Pro, makes it even duller. I've been surfing tumblr more recently, and found some amazing bedroom decorations. Too amazing! So I've set up to make my room even more amazing or at the very least, to the same standard of tumblr's. LOL well, knowing my style, it'd be more to the side of anime x k-pop x j-pop x indie x rock x .... all sorts of things. Which is why sometimes I think I need to just focus on ONE thing. But I can't. What's the point of hiding things you like when it can be more brilliant when there's others to blend with it or contrast against each other to show case each beauty? That's why my room is in a clutter. I have too many shit. Good shit, that is.

It is currently the mid semester break and I'm bored. 
1. Work - which isn't bad and I'm only working twice a week anyway
2. Parent's busy - so that means I'm stuck at home to look after my sisters
3. Sister's have holidays too - which is good too, just that we don't have much that we can do since our parents tend to be overprotective 
4. Friends are overseas/interstate/busy - sucks :(
5. The feeling of being useless - depressing, but true at times. It's a bit weird, but I'm pretty sure the reason why I feel like that sometimes (rarely) is because I'm not being productive or I'm being cooped up in one place all the time (home) : |

Anyway, since the holidays are just beginning, I will definitely blog more! Hope you're all well!

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